CULTIVATE: Journal of Agriculture Science
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Prosiding Pendidikan Dasar
PROSIDING PENDIDIKAN DASAR, adalah prosiding yang diterbitkan oleh Mahesa Research Center (MRC) yang bertujuan untuk membantu menerbitkan naskah dari hasil penelitian. PROSIDING PENDIDIKAN DASAR, berkomitmen untuk mempublikasi karya-karya ilmiah dari hasil penelitian mahasiswa, profesor, guru, praktisi, dan ilmuwan di bidang Pendidikan.
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INCODING: Journal of Informatics and Computer Science Engineering
INCODING: Journal Of Informatics And Computer Science Engineering, is a journal of Informatics is the study of the structure, behaviour, and interactions of natural and engineered computational systems. Informatics studies the representation, processing, and communication of information in natural and engineered systems. It has computational, cognitive and social aspects.
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Economics, Business and Management Science Journal
The Economics, Business and Management Science Journal is a journal to managed Mahesa Research Center, for aims to serve as a medium of information and exchange of scientific articles between teaching, students, practitioners and observers of science in Economic, Management, Accounting, and Bussiness.Economics, Business and Management Science Journal editor receives scientific articles of empirical research and theoretical studies related to science in economics, Management, Accounting, and Bussiness that certainly have never been published. Published twice a year (February and August) and first published for on line edition since Volume 1 No. 1 Februari 2021.
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Journal of Social Dynamics
Journal of Social Dynamics is initiated by a publishing house based in Medan, Mahesa Research Center, to facilitate the publication of high-quality articles in the field of social and humanities. We publish engaging research articles that crisscross the boundaries of academic disciplines, which focus on the dynamics of social life. All articles are reviewed by two referees to be published.
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Jurnal Pendidikan dan Penciptaan Seni
Jurnal Pendidikan dan Penciptaan Seni, is a source of scientific information and communication for academics, and educational reviewers and art creators; visuals, music, dance and performance. The articles published are the results of research, and reports on the creative process of art creation that are critical, actual in the sphere of education and art creation. All articles are reviewed by two experts in their field on a system without identits (author's name). The scope of the Jurnal Pendidikan dan Penciptaan Seni, is based on pedagogical scholarship and artistic creation. Published twice a year (May and November).
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Journal of Natural Sciences
Prefix DOI: 10.34007
The Journal of Natural Sciences is a scientific publication media in the study and development of Science in the fields of science and Education (Biology, Chemistry, and Physics). The Journal of Natural Sciences includes scientific writings in the form of conceptual, research results as well as relevant issues in the fields of science and education. The Journal of Natural Sciences is published three times a year.
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Journal of Law & Policy Review
2987-3150 (Online - Elektronik)
Journal of Law & Policy Review, is is a Journal of Law, Human Rights, Citizenship, Pancasila, Civic Education, Public Policy, Administration and Political Governance. The published paper is the result of research, reflection, and criticism with respect to the advantages and disadvantages of globalization, from transnational and global perspectives. All papers are peer-reviewed by at least two referees. Publication Frequency: Twice Issue Per Year.