Jurnal Pendidikan dan Penciptaan Seni, is a source of scientific information and communication for academics, and educational reviewers and art creators; visuals, music, dance and performance. The articles published are the results of research, and reports on the creative process of art creation that are critical, actual in the sphere of education and art creation. All articles are reviewed by two experts in their field on a system without identits (author's name). The scope of the Jurnal Pendidikan dan Penciptaan Seni, is based on pedagogical scholarship and artistic creation. Published twice a year (May and November).

Vol 4, No 2 (2024): Jurnal Pendidikan dan Penciptaan Seni - November
Table of Contents
Eko Purnomo, Hartono Hartono
Abstract views: 72
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Dian Libriani Matondang, Panji Suroso, Wiflihani Wiflihani
Abstract views: 67
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Endang Wara Suprihatin, Sumarwahyudi Sumarwahyudi, Robby Hidajat, Rully Aprilia Zandra, Heriyati Yatim, Amalia Arifah Rahman
Abstract views: 102
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Verbena Ayuningsih Purbasari, R Samidi, Yuanita Dwi Hapsari, Bekti Galih Kurniawan
Abstract views: 103
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Suharno Suharno, Naufal Arafah, Luqiani Octa Pratiwi
Abstract views: 84
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Sudarno Sudarno
Abstract views: 61
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Osa Umar Ganito, Vahesa Satya Putra, Wahyu Ramadhan, Idhayu Mugia Ningrat Tri Rahayu, Ary Nugraha Wijayanto
Abstract views: 67
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